Those 10 words!

zany: amusingly unconventional and idiosyncratic
stout:(of a person)somewhat fat or of heavy build
mortification: great embarrassment and shame
lofty: of imposing height
Stalwart: loyal, reliable, and hardworking
septuagenarian: a person who is from 70 to 79 years old
legitimate: conforming to the law or to rules
frolicking:(of an animal or person)play and more about cheerfully excitedly or energetically
jeering: make rude and mocking remarks, typically in a loud voice
tormentors: a person who inflicts severe mental or physical suffering or someone

         Hi! My name is Steven Barnes.I'm eighteen years old, a recent high school graduate, and also I'm a girl. I know your probably wondering a girl named Steven. It might sound off to you but its my name. I got the name from my mom. Shes always tells me "names have no gender,don't let anyone ever tell they do" she said. She didnt just want my name to be genderless,she wanted me to be genderless aswell. You could say my mother never legitimated to society. Growing up was hard. Maybe because growing up looking like a girl and having a boy name made me the tormented to tormentors. One could say I was the victim to my bullies. During those times they would often jeer at me during test and when I would speak up for myself;the teacher would take my test and throw it away. Which would leave me crying and planning for my revenge? Oh yes, REVENGE a dish best served cold. I endured so much mortification because of these bullies. Now I plan to get my revenge on each and every one of them. I plan to attack my worse bully, Evelyn Green. She was a body activist yet fat-shamed me for my stout body type. Evelyn worked at a daycare where she would often be frolicking with the kids. I approached the daycare in its lofty state. I pushed open the doors and approached a kid who was crying. I looked at the kid and suddenly felt sad. Maybe because the kids' nametag said Stella and he was a boy. It reminded me of myself, a stalwart and defining child who was only trying to be normal. All of a sudden a lady who I assumed was his septuagenarian grandmother grabbed him out. I forgot all about Evelyn and Zany ways.


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