"Day 12"

Chapter 15 & 16 Reflection:

Chapter 15
In this chapter, Vivian meets Tante Lou and her friends. At first, she was afraid and didn't want to do it. But Grant kept insisting she should and she did. Tante was very hesitant and rude towards Vivian. She stated that where she was from that her people didn't like dark people. She assumed Vivian was the same way but she wasn't. Turns out that Tante Lou likes Vivian. She can tell Grant really cares for her. She stated that she had "Quality" which is a very good compliment coming from Tante Lou.

Chapter 16:
In this Chapter, Jefferson is caught in a lie. As you know Grant lied in the previous chapters about his visit with Grant. Miss Emma visits him, along with Tante Lou and the Reverend. In this visit, Jefferson still refers to himself as a hog, which breaks not only Miss Emmas heart but mines as well. She gets so upset with him that she hits him. Which was quite understandable and reasonable for that nonsense he was saying. Tante Lou and Miss Emma still insist that Grant should still go visit him and make him a man. To sum this all up, I really liked this chapter.


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