"Day 13"

Chapter 17:
In this Chapter, Grant got into a heated argument with Jefferson. Jefferson was angry and Grant started to get annoyed. Jefferson started to say that Grant was vexing him. So he started threatening him that he'll scream and such which will get Grant taken out the cell. But Jefferson knew that he shouldn't and would not do it. So he started talking degrading Vivian which did get to Grant. Grant ended almost hitting but chose not to. Instead, he stated that Vivan was the only reason he still continued to visit Jefferson. Further, into the chapter, it is revealed that Miss Emma begged the Sheriffs wife to let Jefferson go somewhere so he and she could sit and chat. Which mad the sheriff very upset.

Chapter 18:
In this Chapter, Jefferson is asked does he wanna go in the dayroom, he stated that "If that's what they want".Miss Emma sets the table exactly the same way she would set it if they were home. Before could see Jefferson, they heard the chains. Also to add it seems as if Paul is the nice deputy. Considering how nice he is to Grant and Miss Emma. Jefferson still did not eat anything. The only thing he wanted to talk about was "the chair".After he said that Grant started talking about the Christmas Program and such.


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