
Today in my Ap lit class we talked about fear and read another poem by Maya Angelou. To me, fear holds me back. The most important scripture from the bible to me is "tear down the walls fear, they do not come from fear"-Ezekiel 13:14. This has been imprinted in my mind. I have many fears I want to overcome but find it very hard to do. Such as in the poem we read today about the speaker not being afraid of life. Its because they conquered their fear and was ok with being fearless. Which I think takes a lot of courage and will to be able to do that. I hope one day to conquer my fears but it seems so hard. Because your fears are like habits, you have gotten accustomed to them and feel the need to be afraid of them. Which is just another form of limitation on your true potential? We also discussed our classmate's fears and where they stemmed from. I didn't want to share my fears and my feelings toward my fear. This is because I feel as if though no one understands my pain or where I'm coming from . All in all, today was fun and very needed.


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