
Today in my Ap lit class we took a multiple choice test.The test was very easy and I only missed one.The test consisted of eleven questions with one poem to go with it.The poem was about a man reassuring his lover before meeting his inevitable fate.The poem was sweet and whoever wrote it seemed very passionate about conveying the speaker and his beloveds feeling to the reader.I also see improvement in my multiple choice skills due to the consistent practice test we take .I now can use the process of elimination effectively without thinking two hard on a question.At this rate,I feel confident on taking the multiple choice section of the Ap exam.After Mr.Rease graded them he went over the answers with us.After each question he would break down each answer choice which was really informing.He showed us how simple these questions really were.After that we reviewed we had the class block to ourselves.All and all today was fun and short.


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